Un estudio en profundidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud español realizado por el Observatorio Europeo de Sistemas y Políticas de Salud. El informe, realizado por Antonio Durán, Juan L Lara y Michelle van Waveren de Técnicas de Salud y editado por Vaida Bankauskaite, del European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, se publica como el número 8 volumen 4 de la colección Health System Review, con el siguiente índice:
List of abbreviations
List of tables and figures
Executive summary
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview of the health system
1.2 Geography and sociodemography
1.3 Economic context
1.4 Political context
1.5 Health status
2 Organizational structure
2.1 Historical background
2.2 Organizational overview
2.3 Decentralization and centralization
2.4 Population coverage
2.5 Entitlements, benefits and patient empowerment
3 Financing
3.1 Revenue mobilization
3.2 Allocation to purchasers
3.3 Purchasing and purchaser–provider relations
3.4 Payment mechanisms
3.5 Health care expenditure
4 Planning and regulation
4.1 Regulation
4.2 Planning and health information management
5 Physical and human resources
5.1 Physical resources
5.2 Human resources
6 Provision of services
6.1 Public health
6.2 Patient pathways
6.3 Primary/ambulatory care
6.4 Secondary/inpatient care
6.5 Pharmaceutical care
6.6 Rehabilitation/intermediate care
6.7 Long-term and social care
6.8 Palliative care
6.9 Mental health care
7 Principal health care reforms
7.1 Analysis of recent reforms
7.2 Future developments
8 Assessment of the health system
8.1 Stated objectives of the health system and its contribution
to health improvement
8.2 The distribution of the health system’s costs and benefits
across the population
8.3 Efficiency of resource allocation in health care
8.4 Technical efficiency in the production of health care
8.5 Accountability of payers and providers
8.6 Other outstanding issues
9 Conclusions
10 Appendices
10.1 References
10.2 Web links
10.3 List of laws
10.4 HiT methodology and production process
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