November 1 to 3, 2006
Château Cartier Resort
Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
This international event addresses statistical methodology issues relevant to the work of a government statistical agency, as well as to a broader statistical community in the health care industry, government, universities and other research organizations.
Château Cartier Resort
Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
This international event addresses statistical methodology issues relevant to the work of a government statistical agency, as well as to a broader statistical community in the health care industry, government, universities and other research organizations.
This symposium will focus on methodological issues related to producing reliable information on population health . Each day will start with a plenary session that will be followed by two streams of parallel sessions. The first stream will be concerned with data development, while the second will concentrate on methods for inference and analysis. Topics will include:
*Design of cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys
*Combining data from different sources
*Use of administrative data
*Use of physical measures
*Confidentiality and disclosure control
*Estimation and variance estimation
*Editing and imputation of data
*Methods for international comparisons
*Quality of life assessments
*Small-area information
*Mapping and geographical information systems
*Methods for analysis
*New survey collection methods
*Questionnaire development and testing
*Treatment of non-sampling errors
*Data quality assurance
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